Saturday, August 16, 2014

Apple increased ethnic diversity in the section of top managers

According to a recent report Apple about the ethnic diversity of the staff, the majority (55%) of full-time employees in the United States - are white, 15% - of Asian origin, 11% - Hispanics and 7% - are black. Thus 70% of the staff are men. As it turned out, Apple executives strongly dissatisfied with the demographic structure of staff and intends to gradually change it. And apparently, in order to show the diversity in the leadership of the corporation, on the page top managers appeared five new executives, including two women.

Disclosure of information about the structure of the staff - a notable trend recently in Silicon Valley. Until such data sharing Apple Google, Facebook and Yahoo. Painting in all companies was almost the same, all of the staff is dominated by white men.
"I'll tell you plainly, as CEO, I am not satisfied with these figures. They are not new to us, and we are already quite a long time putting a lot of effort to improve them, "- wrote in a corporate blog, Apple CEO Tim Cook.
Apple stresses that in matters of social and cultural diversity, it is beyond the scope of traditional categories such as race, gender and nationality and considers features that are "usually not measured", for example the status of veteran of war, sexual orientation and disability.
The official website of Apple number represented top managers has increased by five people - in addition to the CEO and senior vice president appeared a biography of executives at the vice-presidential positions: Chief of Staff Denis Young Smith, head of ecology Lisa Jackson, chief technology officer Johnny Sroudzhi, dean of Apple Univesity Joel Podoini and senior manager of special projects Apple Paul Deneuve.
The total number of staff of Apple's worldwide is 98 000 people.