Saturday, August 16, 2014

Normal: Battery Analytics shows the applications drain the battery of iPhone

IPhone and iPad users sometimes sometimes late notice that iGadzhetov began to work much slower and the battery at the same time becomes shorter. Tend to cause inconvenience described are applications running in the background. Such programs consume operational resources, reduce system performance and cause premature battery drain. New app from the App Store will help solve this problem.

Using a utility called Normal: Battery Analytics can define services, the battery consumption.Use is simple. It is enough to install the application on the device and wait. After some time, the analyzer will identify "energy guzzlers" on the device and even show the average time of battery life, which can be added, if you close a particular application.
Normal: Battery Analytics runs on crowdsourcing technologies. In other words, in the process tool collects all the necessary information on the work of the iPhone and sends it to a remote service, where the data processing and comparison with the statistics of other users. As a result, it can recommend a list of applications that you want to unload the iOS-device to extend its battery life. As a result, the user can find out which of the mobile applications or services is the most "heavy" in terms of the expenditure of the battery and possibly find him an alternative.
Of course, the App Store features hundreds of thousands of applications, and each user a different set. Nevertheless, theoretically crowdsourcing technology to identify common patterns in the programs and help users to extend battery life "apple" devices.
New product is available in the App Store for $ 0,99 . Download Normal: Battery Analytics can be from the App Store link below.
Download Normal: Battery Analytics for iPhone and iPod touch [ App Store ]