Saturday, August 16, 2014

Apple is looking for employees for the first Apple Store in the UAE

Apple posted a job for Apple Store employees in the United Arab Emirates, where the company has no corporate store. This was reported by MacRumors, citing the official website of the corporation.

Apple is looking for employees, market experts, engineers, technical consultants, marketers, managers and interns. Among the requirements are referred to the ability to teach technical and other skills, stress, a good knowledge of Arabic and English, attention to detail, high moral and ethical values, and experience working with customers in over 5 years and more. When it was planned to open the new Apple Store, in the ad does not say. A representative of Apple, who oversees the company's activities in the UAE, was unavailable for comment on the matter.
In February of this year, Tim Cook visits the United Arab Emirates . According to one version, he discussed the possibility of opening the first chain store retail Apple Store in the country.New point of sale allegedly already even picked the right place - metropolitan luxury mall The Galleria.
Launch a localized version of iTunes and the opening of the online store Apple (in the UAE, he appeared in September 2011 ) is usually preceded by other stages of the gradual development of the company next regional market, in particular the launch of branded retail Apple Store. Rumors about the imminent appearance in the Emirates Official Store Apple, selling techniques without the help of intermediaries, appeared periodically, but now have a real confirmation.