Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Emberlight: «smart» chuck for conventional light bulbs [video]

The largest producers in the face of Philips, Samsung and LG have released the lighting system with integrated wireless modules, with which you can control the light with smart phones and tablets. The problem with most of these solutions is that the wireless modules are usually embedded directly into the bulb. And when a light bulb burns out, you need to buy a new one, which is relatively a lot of money, but still not sold in every store.

Solution offered drafters Emberlight, their idea is that the wireless module built into the cartridge, in which the most simple light bulb screwed. The wireless module is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, allowing you to control lighting from anywhere in the world, you need only install on mobile client application. There are versions for iOS and Android.
The developer notes that the cartridge has enough Emberlight compact size. Mobile application allows not just turn on and off lights, but also to regulate the brightness, there is a built dimmer. Available and additional options, such as working on a timer or reminder function, when the set time lighting flashes.
And if this is not enough, then the third-party software developers for the project authors offer a package API. The project collects Emberlight investment portal Kickstarter, pre-order the "smart" wireless cartridge will cost from $ 50 .