Google has implemented a new tool to block unauthorized access to the email accounts of spammers on Gmail. This was reported on Sunday Cybersecurity.
Google has announced a series of new anti-spam filters, in support of its messaging platform and protect against phishing emails or "erroneous send" messages.
Particle Filter based on technical data provided by the Unicode Consortium. As you know, spammers actively resort to methods of similarity of characters to impede the work of filtration systems. For example, they are used in a set of letters to the Latin "a" instead of the Cyrillic "a", which look the same, but technically have different codes.
"Fraudsters are actively using the fact that ဝ, 0 and ο look almost identical to the letter of mixing them in the texts, in order to bypass the filtering system - says Google blog Mark Richert, engineer Google Spam and Abuse Team. - Imagine the risk of clicking on the link Sh ဝ ppingSite and ShoppingSite or MyBank and MyBɑnk ».
Recently Unicode Consortium notes, these combinations of letters as "high risk." According to the representative of Google, the new filters detect these combinations in the letters to the addresses in Gmail. Also, the company said on the implementation of the evaluation system, which will "maintain a healthy balance" between legitimate emails and cases of abuse.