Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mad Bullets - old school shooting in new packaging [review]

Warning: the following paragraph will talk about a phenomenon familiar only narrow and likely has stepped twenty abroad stratum of the population. If you do not belong to those, then start reading about the third paragraph (or never read anything, just download the game, it's good).

Do you remember shooting ranges? Virtual? Such ancient, ancient games, comes about from early childhood and dandy when you drove a toy revolver on pot-bellied screen, lowering the trigger? And the next evolution of this entertainment - pseudo video - remember? When all the gameplay is recorded on camera, and you just click on the little men with guns. It is a pity that such a fertile genre safely left in the past, although controllers and allow what move from PlayStation, Xbox's Kinect that perfectly sharpened by ranges. But, unfortunately, they are now is not, and can only catch a rare gem in the narrow muddy river. For example, Mad Bullets.
It really shooting. Classic, old-fashioned, such as that in childhood. The character itself is moving forward, he turns - in general, perform all the motor apparatus. You only need to click on the screen - the glory of God, led by the virtual eye will not have to. Normal, in general, shooting - but what the hell, so effectively done.
First, the setting. This is the Wild West - a mecca pistol duels and fun. Wildly colorful place: ramshackle buildings, half street, drums, chicken, with gaping holes bandits in the mouth, the boys with slingshots, women in trousers, underwear, hung from one house to - across the road, all as it should - to another.
On this foundation, the nascent American war raging real - you go out with a gun in hands against seems population pairs of large cities. No plot, nothing to explain: just here's a hand gun, punish the villains! And we Kara: As soon as someone appears on the screen, there's a bullet in the forehead. However, we must follow the clip - nothing at all cartridges and rechargeable hand. The big problem when the screen five people send aptly lead in your head, and you're frantically presses, not understanding why nothing flies - recharge it!
Opponents of the truth here very much - needed a wild reaction to all shoot. It's complicated: in addition to the banal mistakes and limited store, you need to stop and even bullets themselves. Seriously - particularly apt shots fly as a hefty chunk of lead that will knock manually.
Temp turns transcendent - only handed out five headshots in a row, recharged, reflected the bullet missed another, frantically laid three more like some kind of reptile, treacherously hidden in a box, shoot you. But the game does not end, you just summarize and offer to continue the fun - for in-game currency.
Which, of course, can be bought for real money - Mad Bullets shareware, and I think you do not need to explain how the application authors are going to earn. But this - this is to give the tooth - not a problem if you're certainly not going to play Mad Bullets clock.
And the rest - great shooting. It's amazing how out of such an ancient and conservative genre developers managed to squeeze as much fun and um, unobtrusive, perhaps. Mad Bullets perfect run for a few minutes just to distract - funny shoot bandits popinat hens knock three stars and back to business.