Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Microsoft is developing a gaming cloud service DeLorean

There is no doubt that cloud computing will become a big part of the segment of video games in the future, but there are a number of issues that must be addressed to companies up to this point. The biggest obstacle to cloud services at the moment is the capacity of current systems. Many people simply have a slow Internet connection on their devices, which does not allow full run games through cloud services. In addition, there is also a problem with the connection speed to the Internet, particularly if the RTT is too large.
Microsoft разрабатывает игровой облачный сервис DeLorean

During the game on a PC or game console is practically no delay. Delay that occurs when you use wireless controllers so small that our brains simply do not notice it. With the game through the cloud service, things are much worse. In this case, even the best Internet connection provides a delay of 50 ms, if you live close to the server, and everything is just getting worse at a considerable distance from the source.
It is believed that a delay of 50 ms is acceptable for online gaming, so most people will be happy and streaming images, but it is only in the ideal case. , Microsoft has addressed this problem and began working on the technology, codenamed DeLorean, which is reported to the developers will be able to reduce the time delay up to 256 ms.
It is unclear whether the DeLorean software or hardware solution. The essence of technology is to predict the next action of the player and to prepare the desired frame that without any noticeable delay is displayed. So how exactly is impossible to predict the actions of the player, DeLorean will prepare several possible future frames. It is not hard to guess that this solution significantly increases the load on the cloud server and requires more bandwidth. The report says that according to the ping time bandwidth for streaming play will increase in 1,5-4,5 times. It also reported that, if necessary, DeLorean will show visual artifacts to save no delay.
Inside the company, the technology experience for games like Doom 3 and Fable 3, and most people can not tell the difference between the local version and reproduced through the cloud service.