Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mouse Apple will be able to determine the force of pressure

Patent and Trademark United States published patent application for the invention of a new Apple. The document describes a very sensitive computer mouse that feels the power of touch and vibrates when touched to it.

American computer electronics giant is working on a new generation of the manipulator, which is more like a game control device called "mouse that feels the power." It will evaluate the power of touch the user's fingers and in accordance with it to perform certain actions.Assumed that the mouse will replace the existing 5 years Magic Mouse, which in turn came in 2009 to replace the Mighty Mouse.
The emergence of "tuning" the mouse should greatly simplify the work with a Mac. In the past gone so much annoying many users double clicks. With the help of "tuning" the mouse will have, as of now, put the cursor on the desired icon and click. However, the user can select a command using a different force pressing.
As an example, in the patent provides the easiest way to communicate: at a low pressure allows the mouse to perform actions such as selecting the file in the Finder or on the desktop, and when the press is done with more force, just dig a folder or file. This approach eliminates the need to perform a double click or right click.
Invented a new mouse in the past, James Wright and Keith Hendren. Apple is trying to patent the invention. This means that the company intends to launch a new mouse into production.