Monday, August 18, 2014

New application that causes children to respond to the calls of parents

Mother of a teenager, who served during the Gulf War, has developed an application that will have parents and children are totally different feelings.
American resident of Houston, Sharon Stendifit irritated behavior son Bradley, who kept ignoring her calls and text messages, but she knew that the deprivation of his mobile phone - not the best idea, so I decided to resort to the help of modern technology, reports

However, after Sharon start to understand your question, it could not be stopped, and after a few months of dealing with the design of the program, she met with the developer. Thus, the result of their work was the application "Ignore No More", forcing the children to respond to parents' calls.
After installing the "Ignore No More" on mobile Bradley, the mother of a son weaned ignore parents, deactivating the phone every time when he did not respond to calls or text messages.
The young man could use the gadget only if contacted with a mother who knew the password to unlock it. According to her who designed her application perfectly cope with this task, as when it is activated Bradley could not call or send SMS, and therefore was forced to seek the help of his mother.
"In order to gain access to the rest of the phone functions, Bradley had to call me because I am exactly the same man who knows the password unlock" - confirmed Stendifit.
Her husband, William, said he did not did not surprised abilities of his wife, which served during the war in the Persian Gulf, adding: "If it is set a goal, make sure you achieve it."
Currently Ignore No More is only available for Android platform , but the developers promise to soon submit and version for the iPhone.