Developers announced MAPS.ME share, in which iPhone and iPad users can download free branded off-line maps. The campaign will last for one day.

Now every smartphone and tablet has many built-in GPS or GLONASS, which allows to accurately determine your location on the ground. However, the dry figures with coordinates give nothing without reference to a specific card. However, if the user is somewhere on the road, in the woods or in the open field, it is unlikely to find high-speed internet. Often will not do any of the Internet, even GPRS, let alone 3G. And so the gadget will not be able to load a map to locate and select the direction of motion. And if it could, it will be very long, and tend to be very expensive.
It is here that comes to the aid application MAPS.ME. The fact is that in this program, you can pre-load any offline map of the selected country. Maps sufficiently detailed, down to the small Proselkov and individual houses. In addition, they marked items such as gas stations, hospitals, markets, catering, railway stations, public transport and so on. For many communities, there are signs with street names. Although the maps cover the entire country, navigation, moving map, reduction or enlargement, is very fast and very smooth.

Download the map of any country can be selected directly from the application. All cards are provided by the service OpenStreetMap, they are free and always up to date.OpenStreetMap, as we know, are the users themselves.
MAPS.ME download for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad [ App Store ]