Tuesday, August 26, 2014

People prefer to follow the instructions of the robot and not a living person

How well you do your job? Employees of MIT conducted a study which has resulted in an interesting conclusion: at work people choose to obey and carry out orders robotic system, and not a living person. The studies were conducted on groups, which included two men and a robot working for a common goal. During the experiments, the group worked in three different modes: running man with the robot at the head of the team, as well as in the conditions when the first person he set himself the task, and the second following the orders of the robot. Studies have shown that the most productive group was the one that worked under the command of the robot.
Люди предпочитают выполнять указания робота, а не живого человека

Study participants indicated that their robots better understand and contribute to the quality of the team. Of course, this does not mean that in the near future robots will stand at the head of companies and product lines, but the use of the algorithm by which specific tasks will be distributed and coordinated robotic systems, will significantly improve efficiency.