Friday, August 15, 2014

Samsung bought technology developer of "smart" SmartThings to compete with Apple HomeKit

Samsung Electronics seriously targeting the market of home automation systems, which Apple is already making the first steps to the platform HomeKit. As reported on Friday, Reuters, the South Korean company has acquired a startup SmartThings, which develops technologies for combining home electronics network.

The company develops SmartThings platform for a "smart" home, including how the various devices and operating systems to manage them. In particular, the products of the company allows you to turn on and off lights and appliances with the help of the installed application on your smartphone. SmartThings managed to attract investments totaling $ 15 million.
For an undisclosed amount. However, earlier tehnoblog TechCrunch reported that Samsung was willing to pay more than $ 200 million for SmartThings, making the deal one of the largest purchases of American start-ups for the South Korean company.
With the purchase of the Samsung SmartThings appeared powerful platform home automation. The range of the Korean vendor is already controlled LED lamps Samsung Smart Bulb c technology to support Bluetooth, it is possible that in the near future the company will also introduce an analogue of "smart" thermostat Nest.
Analysts said the acquisition will allow Samsung to SmartThings not only to enter the market development of "smart homes", but also outperform it competitors. While Google bought the manufacturer of thermostats Nest Labs, and Apple makes its platform of "smart" home from scratch, Samsung gets a ready-made system that needs only a competent marketing.
According to the forecast of analyst firm Gartner, the market for devices and services "Internet of Things" reached in 2020 of $ 300 billion, and the number of pieces of equipment will exceed 26 billion pieces.