Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Samsung will miss $ 1 billion because of Apple's decision to move to TSMC processors

Apple and Samsung are competing in the tough market of smartphones and tablets, but the last many years supplying processors, displays and memory for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Moreover, since the first iPhone in 2007, Samsung has been for the American giant computer electronics exclusive supplier of chips. In 2011, relations between the partners began to sour: Apple accused the South Korean manufacturer that he's stealing its technology.

As a result, the relationship between the partners have reached a point where further cooperation is becoming increasingly unattractive and difficult for both sides. On the background of the conflict broke out the iPhone maker has decided to break the monopoly of Samsung, signing a contract for the supply of processors with TSMC - the largest profit global manufacturer of chips.
Last week, Samsung released a report which reported a decline in quarterly profit by 25 percent and warned that the second half of the year will be difficult. Besides Koreans lost leadership in the Chinese and Indian markets, giving local manufacturers of smartphones.Moreover, as a result, Samsung may lose up to $ 1 billion in profits, and it will happen just because of Apple's decision to abandon the partnership for the production of mobile processors.
The deal between Apple and TSMC will eventually be worth a lot of money to Koreans.According to analyst firm IBK Securities, Business Samsung's processors may finish the year with a loss of 877 billion won (about $ 850 million). Last year, the unit received 203 billion won (or $ 196.5 million) operating profit.
Industry sources, meanwhile, said that Apple will be the largest customer of TSMC, as the Taiwanese contract manufacturer of semiconductor products began to increase the production of processors Apple A8, and the next year is likely to produce processors A9. In 2015, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing can provide up to 60% of the needs of Apple.