Friday, August 15, 2014

Sapphire crystal iPhone 6 cost Apple less Gorilla Glass

It is believed that the use of sapphire glass on the iPhone 6 will greatly increase the cost of "apple" flagship. However, according to the latest insider information, Apple has used several techniques to reduce the cost of production of heavy-duty panel.

According to Techcrunch, when creating a sapphire glass for iPhone 6 uses a special Hyperion, which involves the use of conventional glass, which is laminated with sapphires.This manufacturing process can reduce the cost of sapphire to the level of Gorilla Glass or even cheaper than the latter.
Due to this, as the resource Cupertino-based company will be able to equip 4,7 and 5.5-inch version of the iPhone 6 sapphire lenses without increasing the cost of smartphones. It is necessary for a more reliable protection from scratches and other mechanical damage to the display.
Meanwhile, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal on the eve of disseminated information that the "sapphire" will be only the most expensive model of iPhone 6. Sources of publications do not rule out that at first the sapphire will get a 64-gigabyte version of the smartphone, which is traditionally a manufacturer earns more than 16 gigabytes model.
The publication notes that when the recently launched jointly by Apple and GT Advanced Technologies to produce a synthetic sapphire in Arizona will reach its design capacity, the plant will produce sapphire twice as much as it is now producing nearly 100 manufacturers worldwide.
Apple last year using sapphire in their smartphones, but in much smaller quantities: a heavy-duty glass protects the camera lens and iPhone 5s 5s, as well as a built-in button "Home» iPhone 5s fingerprint reader. However, in early July, the web there was a video in which the strength of the test allegedly sapphire front panel iPhone 6. «indestructibility" component of the future of the smartphone is really amazing.
Apple currently finalizing preparations for the beginning of the mass production of its new flagship. Order for the production of its 4.7-inch model with each other evenly divided two Taiwanese contract manufacturer - Foxconn Electronics and Pegatron Technology. Until the end of this year, they plan to put 50 million copies of the 4.7-inch smartphone.
Official presentation of the iPhone 6 will begin on September 9 this year.