Friday, August 15, 2014

Smart watches Sony SmartWatch 3 get wireless charging and transflective display

The third generation smart hours Sony will be deprived of the operating system Android Wear, but it will come with wireless charging and built-in Wi-Fi.

The current model SmartWatch 2 allocated using rather unique display with transflective properties (pereotrazhaet incident light through the LCD cells), resulting in the appearance of the image even if the backlight is off. But at the same clock deprived of many opportunities of its competitors, in particular the issue of running applications.
As it became known, in September, the Japanese manufacturer will present the model SmartWatch 3. Despite the emergence of platform Android Wear, Sony will continue to stay the course and will not use this OS. Instead, the clock will be based on its own platform.Design worn on the wrist gadget is likely to retain the square shape.
SmartWatch 3 functionality will not yield to competing solutions and offer the ability to run applications directly on the device itself. It is also known to support wireless charging technology, protection from water using a transflective display with high resolution.
Smart watches SmartWatch line running Micrium uC / OS-II, a real-time operating system, completely written in C, and therefore easily portable to any hardware.
The third generation of "smart" clock Sony, are expected to provide on-site branch of IFA 2014, which will be held from 5 to 10 September in Berlin.