Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The most popular MMORPG for iOS "Order and Chaos Online" became completely free

In honor of the third anniversary of the popular multiplayer project "Order and Chaos Online" the company Gameloft made the game completely free. At the same time, the release of update 2.6 with the new regime PvP, the Champions League and special in-game promotions.

A full-scale multiplayer online-RPG "Order and Chaos Online" is available on the iOS platform for users iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. It is a successful example of a network of mobile project. Earlier cost «MMORPG number one in App Store» was 229 rubles. The user gets access to the application and the opportunity to play for three months. Further extension of the subscription cost 66 rubles for the next three months, or 99 rubles for half a year.
The main goal of the game - "pumping" of the character by performing a variety of interesting and different missions. Yes, the mission is not all fun, but it is understandable - after all there are hundreds. In general, different kinds of orders: "Go Finish 10 wolves" or "Collect 10 skins hyenas." But the diversity still present.
What's new in the "Order and Chaos Online" 2.6:
"Elite Haradona invite you all to be noted as the third anniversary of the daily heroism and valor good old bugurt - Chaos vs. Order! Our battle lasted more than 1,000 days, and we are ready to spend it in another 1000 years, because playing with friends is more interesting, and in the Order and Chaos Online now you can play absolutely FREE! Do not forget to look at the battlefield PvP - you do remember what we started?
- Fields of Massacre - a new mode of PvP, where team play is above the individual valor.
- Capture the enemy flag and bring it to your base.
- Fight format 2 2 or 4 4.
- Sign in league legendary warriors and earn honor points, fighting in the ranks of the team.
- Fight your way to the top of the list of the league leaders with a new system of competitive leagues that promises great rewards the best.
- Let the enemies blinded by your greatness - champions league now literally shine on the battlefield!
- Redeem points earned honor on special weapons and equipment.
- Haradona Day: Celebrate 3 years of epic struggle, raids and quests in the war of chaos and order. We promise you a bunch of fireworks and gifts!
- Jay Festival: Participate in a traditional annual festival of love and caught the super-rare horse in the spirit of the Festival Jay! "
Many gamers compared to the "Order and Chaos Online" with World of Warcraft, saying it - a good port of the hit W0W on iOS. There are arms sales, skills, magic, profession, PvP battle on later levels - all as adults. Shift into your character, choose a server and forward - towards the adventure!
Download "Order and Chaos Online" for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch [ App Store ]