Friday, August 8, 2014

Tim Cook on behalf of Apple expressed "deepest condolences" to victims of the earthquake in China

Apple CEO Tim Cook expressed his "deepest condolences" to residents of Yunnan Province, the earthquake victims in China. General director wrote in a letter to employees that the company donated 10 million yuan ($ 1.6 million), and noted that the tragedy in China has affected many people close to Apple.

"Our deepest condolences to the Chinese province of Yunnan, the victims of the devastating earthquake of magnitude 6.5 points. Killed nearly 600 people, 2400 people were injured. This earthquake was the most powerful in the region over the past 100 years.
Apple is committed to helping the victims. We made donations to organizations Mercy Corps and CFPA, to help those who are victims of this tragedy, "- wrote Cook.
Director general said that the tragedy has touched many who are associated with Apple."Over 6,500 Apple employees work in China and Hong Kong, we are working with a large community of developers and employees of the supply chain. Mentally, we help the people affected and their families, "- he added.
Earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred on Sunday in the province of Yunnan. Tremors were recorded at 16.30 local time. The epicenter was located 11 kilometers from the village Venpin and 29 kilometers from the city of Zhaotong. Center lies at a depth of 10 kilometers.
Effects of the earthquake affected more than one million people. The number of wounded is more than 2400 people from the disaster area have been evacuated more than 240 000 people. Earthquake were destroyed or damaged tens of thousands of homes and buildings.At the moment, the number of victims of the earthquake in southwestern China has risen to 615 people.