Thursday, September 4, 2014

5 reasons why Samsung should be wary of iPhone 6

Recent years certainly go down in history as the golden age of Samsung. Although the era of smart phones has opened Apple, presenting in 2007 smartphone iPhone, a Korean company, as no one else was able to succeed in this field. Since 2010, the share of the company in the smartphone market has quadrupled and is now 31%, as shown by the IDC.Apple's share in the same period of time almost has not changed and the end of 2013 was 15%.

But Apple has appeared necessary ingredients to turn back the wheel of fortune Samsung writes Inosmi . 9 September the company must not only introduce a new phone, which media called iPhone 6, but also to tell the details of the long-awaited "smart" watch that will work in conjunction with a new phone. In the Web knows the basic capabilities of the iPhone 6, including an increased screen size and payment system that allows customers to use the phone while shopping in stores. Put all these pieces of the puzzle together, and you get a number of extremely important changes that may negate the benefits of the line Samsung Galaxy.
About the iPhone 6 is known, not all, but one thing is certain: for Samsung September 9 will not be the most joyful day. And here's why.
The Big Screen 
Since then, seven years ago, began the production of iPhone, the screen size of the device increased by only half an inch. Meanwhile, in the world there was an unquenchable thirst for big phones, and Samsung will benefit from it the most. Last year, the devices with screens larger than 4.5 inches comprised one-third of the world market sales, and IDC predicts that this year, this share will rise to 44%.
Apple, finally begins to be active. The company plans to introduce the model in two versions - 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch, as they say sources familiar with the company's plans.
«Samsung few years have not felt this competition in planshetofonov, and here they were able to overtake Apple in all respects - says the analyst of Piper Jaffray Gene Munster. - But now it's a competitive advantage will disappear. "
E-wallet and mobile payments 
After several years of experimentation, Apple will announce the launch of a payment system with which iPhone owners will be able to buy goods in retail stores by pressing virtual buttons on their devices. The Company entered into an agreement with Visa, MasterCard and American Express for iPhone 6, which has a wireless chip that enables secure data transfer at the store reader.
But even under the most optimistic scenario, you still better to keep the purse at all times. It will be many years before major retailers will invest the necessary resources to support digital payment, says consultant Richard Crone payment systems.
Nevertheless, Apple more likely to change consumer habits than Google. This company can not convince hardware manufacturers, mobile operators and shops in the benefits of Google-purse. Clients Apple, making purchases through iTunes, has 800 million credit and debit cards. Perhaps, Apple will have to do some outreach and convince buyers to the safety of its products after the story with the theft of accounts of celebrities. If Apple will achieve this, Samsung will be much harder to take away her users iPhone.
«IWallet becomes extremely contagious thing," - says Crone. - It will create a huge obstacle to churn Apple, and more importantly, a huge obstacle to joining the competition. "
Watch and learn 
Samsung launches smart watches at least a year. In May, the company held a high-profile event in the hope to be at the epicenter of a new segment of portable gadgets. She presented a set as part of the program and the device SAMI Simband, which can be used by any company to create their own devices and applications, and on August 28 introduced a new watch.
Currently there are signs that the buyer "hooked" very little, says an analyst at Raymond James Tavis McCourt. "I would say that Samsung has not promoted this product category."
The official representative of Samsung Tom Biermann declined to give details about the number of companies using Sami and Simband, and the number of hours sold.
Wearing device Apple, which is often called iWatch, will be released no earlier than next year, as reported by the site Recode. But it does not matter, according to Munster. Since in such niches as fitness, achieve success only small companies like Fitbit and Jawbone, by the time when these products appear in stores Apple, the demand for them will increase. When iWatch will enter the market, they can easily displace Samsung.
Corporate ambitions
Apple has become the leading supplier of smart phones and tablets for corporations, not applying for this remarkable effort. The company's attention to the simplicity of execution and makes use of information technology departments to meet the wishes of employees who want to use the iPhone and iPad at work. Apple CEO Tim Cook said recently that they were able to introduce their devices in 90% of the largest companies in the world.
Samsung employees had to work harder to attract companies to their products. Part of the problem lies in the fact that the manufacturer uses gadgets operating system Android. Only 20% of Android users have the latest version of the software, forcing the company to create different versions of their applications, exposing them to the danger of new attacks.
To overcome this fragmentation, Samsung recently made efforts to address the problems associated with the work of Android. The company has created specialized software for departments of IT, to manage mobile devices, employees, and security software Knox. So far, these efforts have not had the desired result, and Samsung is not able to become a major player in the market for supply corporations, says McCourt. "If the meaning was to increase the market share of Android, to be more like the system to Apple, it can be said that these attempts have failed," - he said.
Now Apple is much more serious about the work in the corporate market. In July, the company announced that it will join forces with IBM.
"In partnership with IBM Apple will be able to pre-emptively hold and protect the enterprise market," - wrote in his e-mail message Forrester Research analyst Frank Gillett.
Apple regains his voice
After the death in 2011 of Steve Jobs, the company has lost not only a visionary leader and technical, but also a great marketer who spent the legendary advertising campaigns like "Think Different", "For this is the app" and «I'm A Mac». Since Apple continues to produce advertising, but it does not produce the same effect.
Meanwhile, the advertising agency Samsung held a successful reception of advertising jujitsu, aiming for a vulnerability Apple. In its advertising Koreans set their sights on the main advantage of Apple - the brand's fans, who every year take up to buy the newest iPhone.
In the new promo video Apple shows how its products enrich the lives of people, whether parents or composers. The campaign is going well, and the last "apple" commercials on average outperform advertising Samsung, as evidenced by a researcher from the advertising industry Ace Metrix. According to the teacher of the advertising business from Boston University Professor Edward Bose, Apple, finally regains his voice after the death of Jobs.
For longtime fans of Apple presentation on September 9 will carry a plaque nostalgia for Jobs. The event will be held at the college not far from Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California, where the company's founder in 1984, introduced the Macintosh, and in 1998 iMac. Since the press conference Apple lost its shine a little, but the focus of the company is still working. About Samsung speeches are not.
Developers like Apple
Developers appreciate a mobile platform Apple, more than any other development companies. They have created more than 1.2 million applications and have earned more than 20 billion dollars, far ahead of Android. Developers call for new products from Apple, to work on new applications, and they will soon get their.
"If Apple is going to hit the hammer on the anvil and then present beautiful and unique products, Samsung will face serious problems," - says Munster of Piper Jaffray.