Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Amazon the day before the presentation of the iPhone 6 reduced the price of 3D-smartphone Fire Phone to 1 dollar

Amazon announced a price cut on its recently announced 3D-smartphone Fire Phone .Reducing the cost of the device occurred the day before the official presentation of the iPhone 6 .

According to the report Amazon, phone Fire Phone c 32 GB of memory and two-year contract with mobile operator AT & T in the United States is now worth 99 cents. Previously, he was sold at $ 199. Version of the smartphone with 64 GB of memory costs $ 99 with a two-year contract and $ 299 without it. Smartphones and after reduction are supplied with unlimited cloud storage, as well as an annual subscription to Amazon Prime.
Official sales figures Amazon is not reported, but previously little journalistic investigation conducted edition Guardian. In it they use statistics of the two companies, Chitika and comScore.
Chitika measures the activity of a variety of devices in their advertising networks. The share of Fire Phone 20 days after release had 0.02% of this activity. comScore measures the number of smart phones used in the United States in absolute terms. In late June, there were 173 million, and every month this number increases by 1-2 million. Knowing these two indicators, Guardian estimated the number of smartphones sold in the Fire Phone 26 400;adjusted for errors and other variables, this number reaches 35,000 vehicles.
For comparison, Apple in just the first weekend after the release of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c sold devices in the amount of 9 million units. Last year, the iPhone 5 has sold 5 million units in the first weekend. Taking into account the fact that the development of Fire Phone was spent tens of millions of dollars, the current indicators Amazon smartphone may be called a failure.