Monday, September 15, 2014

Apple will pre-install iLife and iWork on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus with 64 and 128 GB of memory

September 10 last year, announcing the operating system iOS 7, Apple has announced that the firm makes a mobile version of iWork and iLife package is free for all buyers of new devices. This was a response Apple company Microsoft, which sells Surface tablets with pre-Office, and Google, which offers online office Google Docs for free.

With the release of iOS 8 Apple decided to go further and pre-install iWork and iLife on their devices. It is true as long as it only applies to the new generation of smartphones - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Moreover, models with 64 GB and 128 GB of available memory. Owners of the 16-gigabyte version will also be able to use software packages free of charge - they will appear in the list of recommended when you first run the store App Store.
IWork software suite consists of a text editor, Pages, Keynote for creating presentations and Numbers for spreadsheets. Set includes iLife multimedia editor GarageBand, iMovie app for editing and application iPhoto. 
Now buyers iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be able to use these solutions "out of the box."Applications can be an excellent alternative for owners of mobile devices using analogues of competing companies.