Monday, September 29, 2014

China has blocked Instagram because of protests in Hong Kong

Because of the unrest in Hong Kong popular photo-sharing service Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, was blocked by the Chinese authorities, Reuters reported, citing numerous reports of users.

Also in the local social network Weibo was included in the "black list" of the phrase «Occupy Central». In social networks people put of evidence of police tear gas and rubber bullets.
Blocking Instagram came amid opposition protests in Hong Kong. In the social network has a lot of pictures and videos, which police disperse protesters with tear gas. According to sources, Instagram has been blocked throughout China, including Beijing and Shenzhen.
Previously, if a site is blocked in mainland China, it will be available to users in Hong Kong and other countries.
Protesters demand the authorities to the democratic election of the head of the regional administration. On the night of September 28, the start of the campaign announced the leader of the opposition movement Occupy Central, Hong Kong University law professor Benny Tai.Then he said that the members of the movement are going to block the financial center of the city. One of the main gathering places demonstrators became square in front of the local administration.
The reason for the mass protests of the refusal of the Chinese authorities to conduct 2017 free democratic elections of the head of administration of Hong Kong. In the summer of activists held an online referendum, which was attended by about 800 thousand. People who were in favor of free elections in 2017, but Beijing has ignored the election results.
Number of participants in Occupy Central tens of thousands of people, among whom are a significant part of students.