Shortly after admission to the sale of the flagships from Apple, experts have estimated the total cost of components iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, to estimate how much gross profit Apple receives from the sale of each new device. In the case of a younger version of the iPhone 6 (16 GB) the cost of components is estimated at $ 200. Analysts who conducted the calculations immediately made a reservation that the cost of Apple's research, software development, marketing and distribution of products is not taken into account.

Size received from the sale of one iPhone 6 profit is not much different from similar indices in earlier smartphone from Apple. Also interesting is the fact that the sale of 128 GB version of the iPhone 6 manufacturer earns the most. With an increase in the cost components of the device is only $ 47 (compared to the 16 GB model), the price difference between the most expensive and the cheapest smartphones one line reaches $ 200.

Cost components iPhone 6 Plus various modifications increase of $ 16, compared with the same volume on the internal memory 4.7-inch solutions from Apple. Analysts also note that the company meets the needs of TSMC Apple's chipsets A8 only 60%, the same supplier of the remaining 40% of processors continues to Samsung.