iPhone, iPad and iPod touch - a powerful multi-function devices. Mobile iOS 8 platform has brought many new settings and options that provide new opportunities for electronic gadgets Apple. Some of the innovations are designed to enhance the protection of user data. Thus, the iOS 8 platform automatically changes the MAC-address of the mobile device at the time of the search Wi-Fi.

"In iOS 8 has changed the way of scanning wireless networks Wi-Fi, the device now uses random MAC-address. When searching for wireless networks, a special "virtual" address that is different from the present ... After the device completes the scan, a unique identifier is changed to the present" - said in a description of the function.
However, as found out specialist company Principal Systems Bapinder Misra, optional randomization MAC works on the iPhone only when off the cellular connection.
"What we found was even more strange was supposed before. At first we thought that the function change MAC-address must be off the Discovery Service ... In fact, if the phone is actively cellular connection, neither of which randomization MAC-addresses are not talking "- said the expert.
As conceived by Apple, this feature is a preventive measure to protect the owners of mobile devices from interference by advertising and analytical companies. Last through access points Wi-Fi in anonymously collect information about the owners of portable gadgets. There are companies that even specialize in selling such information to advertisers.

At the same time, implementation of technology in iOS 8 leaves a lot of questions. In particular, if you remove the SIM-card from the iPhone or disable the transmission of cellular data available. Otherwise, MAC-addresses for the Wi-Fi stop changing. Moreover, the randomization in iOS 8 runs on iPhone 5s, but not available on the iPhone 5 and iPad mini.Smartphones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has not yet been tested Principal Systems.