This afternoon, the source of leaksupleaks published a series of photographs and press renderings, which show quite unusual for most casual users of the device. We are talking about the line of medical instruments unannounced HTC Tricorder, which will include diagnostic equipment to monitor the state of the human body in the home. Judging from the photos, the line will include a blood analyzer, aural mirror with camera, rapid test for the study of the biochemical properties of the urine, and peak flow meter - the unit that defines the rate of exhalation. It is obvious that, given the integration of systems for monitoring vital signs in smart phones and portable devices HTC decided to take a step further and release specialized machines for home use that will work in conjunction with your smartphone.

Unfortunately, leaks are not accompanied by complete information on the capabilities of each of the devices, but the available photos can be understood that the ear mirror camera can synchronize with a smartphone, the screen that will receive the image. This will assess the condition of the ear passage, reveal the presence of foreign bodies, signs of inflammation or damage.

HTC Breath Sense peak flow meter can assess respiratory function and compare the results with the norm. This tool will be extremely useful for all patients with asthma or chronic lung disease, the need to quickly identify your medication. By the way, according to a press renderer, the instrument is also equipped with a gas analyzer to estimate the composition of exhaled air.

On the possibilities of rapid blood analyzer fairly unknown, but one can assume that it allows you to quickly measure the important parameters of blood, in particular, the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets, blood glucose and various diagnostic markers of disease. More specific information is available on the test strip for urine: so you will be possible to evaluate the pH of the urine, the presence of leukocytes and nitrite content - sign of urinary pathogens causing inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is obvious that all devices are to be connected with a smartphone owner, which will set a special application. Options for using the data obtained can be very diverse - from independent decision on the need to see a doctor to immediately send the data to a medical facility as soon as possible for a consultation and medical care. Unfortunately, it is not known when HTC will show new devices, but it is possible that it will happen on October 8 at an official event of HTC Double Exposure.