Manufacturer of accessories Innerexile presented a series of covers for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, coated with a special paint that can independently remove superficial scratches.

Special paint box, called Hydra, has two layers, the upper of which is extremely flexible and the appearance of small scratches are not broken, as is the case with ordinary paint, and deformed. Later, under the pressure of the elastic bottom layer top layer takes the old 'flat' shape and visual impression that the scratch "delayed."

The bag is made of a flexible impact-resistant thermoplastic, which is normally used for the manufacture of automotive parts, such as the dashboard or grille. Accessory is already out in mass production and available for order on the manufacturer's website. Commercials Innerexile demonstrates the ability of the accessory to the "self-healing" with a bronze brush weighing 1 kg.

Last year, LG released a smartphone LG G Flex , which in addition to the curved display was self healing plastic housing. In just a few minutes on the phone scratches disappear like they never existed, while the surface of the other devices under the same operating conditions, unlikely to have the same form.
Deliveries Innerexile Hydra will begin simultaneously with the iPhone 6 - 19 September. Cover the cost of 25 dollars.