Tuesday, September 16, 2014

PayPal: Apple Pay payment system is protected as well as your photos in iCloud

The largest online payment service PayPal has criticized the new payment system Apple Pay.Full page advertisement in the newspaper The New York Times points to weak security services, Apple in the light leakage intimate photographs of celebrities from the cloud iCloud.

"We, the people, want our money to be protected more than our self. PayPal - your safety, "-said in an advertisement PayPal.
Actions PayPal is quite understandable: Apple refused to cooperate with the company in the field of payment processing and even excluded from the list of recommended service payment platforms.
Earlier this year, there were rumors that PayPal discussed possible cooperation with Apple.First saw itself as the main partner, serving mobile transactions Californian giant. In PayPal, reportedly "were even ready to use label Apple Pay». However, the company did not reach an agreement and Apple has decided to create its own payment system.
In an interview with TechRadar Head of Public Relations PayPal Rob Skinner said: "No one would argue that Apple has a good track record, but charges a completely different area.Process payments is much harder than to ensure normal operation of the online broadcasts! ".Passage top manager PayPal, probably refers to the problems that have arisen from Apple with the broadcast presentation on September 9th.
Apple Pay service will be launched in October in the United States, where the company from Cupertino managed to conclude an agreement with thousands of retailers, including Macy's, Bloomingdales, Wallgreens, Duane Reade, Subway, McDonald's, Nike, Disney and others.And in Europe the new service will appear in the next year. Payment will be made through special terminals using near-contact communication technology NFC. For this NFC-chips installed in smartphones iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and watch Apple Watch.