The exhibition Photokina, which takes place in Cologne, company startup called Relonch presented eponymous accessory. The device is a special nozzle-Case for iPhone 5 and iPhone 6, on the back of which is a sensor APS-C. After connecting the phone via Relonch Lightning interface the user can take pictures with a maximum resolution of 800x600 pixels and upload them to social networks. According to the creators of the device, the main goal that they pursue during development can not be reduced to the "endless pursuit of pixels." The most important thing - to give users the ability to share photos as quickly as possible.

For accessory Relonch be issued a special application that can help you rapidly publish the footage. Company representatives promised that, if desired, the user can still change the image resolution to a higher. Case for iPhone can also be used as an additional battery.
There are several controversial issues related to Relonch, which should definitely be mentioned. Firstly, he accessory will be available in the second half 2015. Secondly, the cost is $ 499. Finally, pre-order with full payment can be issued right now - that is, one year before the anticipated release.