In the long list of human fears occupy a special place kourlofobiya (fear of clowns) and arktofobiya (fear of plush toys). It would seem that both objects have to entertain, delight. So why do they scare many? Difficult to explain, but the horrendous potential is hardly refutable: just spawn a bunch of Hollywood horror about murderers Clooney and demonic dolls, it is kind of scary. However, the film industry is not united - on computers recently released horror film, completely dedicated to the giant robot toys - Five Nights at Freddy's. The success was such that the mobile version does not take long: first game visited Android, and now iOS. Of course, we could not pass by.

How to play?
In Five Nights at Freddy's you try on the form of the usual pizza night watchman: the day they eat and make merry children, and as it gets dark, you're sitting in your closet and make sure that the sausage with mayonnaise are not dragged off the local bums. Job cushy, that's just great big metal beasts that in the light of the day to entertain visitors, occasionally want to eat you. The hero, however, is not going anywhere (which, by the way, it's strange - any normal person in this situation would have escaped on the first night), and humbly waiting for the dawn, when the terrible monsters retreat, leaving the protagonist until the next night. Survive the working week (the same five nights) - get a prize. No - in the obituary and record a "fake bear was eaten."

Mechanics something vaguely reminiscent of Tower Defense with a first-person. Protect themselves from animals (here, by the way, except for a wolf and bear a duck, and still say, fox) is very simple: just need something to close the doors. Get into your cubicle is possible only through them - the holes on the left and the right. If you can not see anything, you can turn on the light - when in the doorway loomed gigantic figure bared his beast, very happy about that metal doors, a meter wide.
However buried usually not time - can monitor only one passage, while the second is hidden from observation. And here enters the camera system that covers the entire place. Through the pupil of the lens you will monitor the situation - none if we have not chosen? If you notice something moving in the dark (the window is not visible it's pitch, and lighting of the building, apparently, save), it is better to close on both sides. More can be guided by the sound, but this thing is: echoing footsteps soon cause a chill on the back than help orient.

The formula is simple, but burdened by two points. The first - the animals on the way to the hapless security guard turned off the camera, so that by the middle of the night (everything is painted on the clock), half of lens does not work. Second - you have a power strip that shows how long you sit in darkness, surrounded by a bunch of bloodthirsty spawn of hell merchandise. Moreover, the more units you use, the sooner the darkness. Roughly speaking, it is unwise to permanently burn the light and keep the doors closed - then enough energy for a maximum of an hour game.
Therefore, without a coherent tactics can not do. Ideally, of course, watch out for the back room, where toys are sitting. If you were missing a couple - so soon descend guests. However, there is a flaw: they quickly turn off the camera, and the fact that another duck left his abode, does not mean anything - it can break into the closet and direct course, and maybe a few minutes, straying along the corridors. To click on all screens in a row, too, is not an option: Mandatory blinked offensive. And when you consider that monsters like tumble packs, the one meaningful victory seems unlikely: you win, but if you're lucky and fortune would be supportive.

However, because, probably, should be: what kind of horror, where it is easy to win? In this horror film should be scared. And last but not least because in the face of danger player, in principle, is powerless. Here is how. And this is just a basic injection method of the atmosphere, there is a more elegant. For example, the classic screaming - monsters appear out of nowhere in the face, uttering eerie sounds. The unexpectedness of the tablet may be dropped, and if you play with headphones, then a loud yelp.
But this is all nonsense: the most terrible things happen when Five Nights shell out for Hitchcockian suspense. You pyalites painfully into the murky picture, trying in vain to see the enemy; flinch when the deserted corridor someone lagging; put off, it is worth another go in camera ripples; quiet mother when in the next room from you persistently worth creepy wolf, and the energy that fuels the closed door, is about to end.
The most horrible moment, however, happened to us for another reason. The situation is this: behind the closed door stands a formidable duck. Energy scale will soon be empty, before dawn a couple of hours. Nerves can not stand, but my head is looming exactly one thought: if only enough electricity. Suddenly starts to duck ... sing. A huge, monstrous, wild creature grinds metallic voice, which is guessed some satanic melody. Then you can safely take the iPad pawnshop and leave the house with soft walls.

How it looks?
In all of this looks Five Nights extremely simply and succinctly. The game is made by one person, and it shows: they plush creatures, though terrible, but drawn rather casually and surroundings soon takes darkened gloom than some graphical delights. There is a lack of integrity and the image: the screen crawling "steps" even on the top-end device.
But this does not prevent the alarming plunge into the atmosphere - the horror, in the end, has always been famous for the fact that it can be done for a penny, and scare as it does not turn none loschёnogo blockbuster. Five Nights, as already evident from the text of this category.
Results of
Got a great horror movie that is not ashamed to put on a par with the best of the genre - in any case, the mobile. Uncomplicated gameplay, creepy atmosphere, and knew how to play on the strings of our fears - Five Nights at Freddy's can be recommended to anyone who likes to tickle your nerves. Those who do not like, too, can - at least in order to see how your friend (better - girlfriend) will scream wildly and fail to fidget, unable to find a place for himself.
- simple but interesting gameplay;
- creepy atmosphere - right up to the chills;
- great sound (with headphones);
- a rare example of a successful horror film, especially mobile.
- without headphones is better not to play: English voice is not subtitled, and the steps of monsters in the speakers sound muffled;
- victory is heavily dependent on luck;
- graphics, frankly, does not shine.