Monday, September 15, 2014

The first batch of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is delivered from China to the United States [photo]

As reported on Monday MacRumors, from China to the United States delivered the first batch of the latest Apple's smartphone to send to customers who had to leave earlier than the other pre-orders and will be able to get the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is the official day of the launch of new products.
Первая партия iPhone 6 и iPhone 6 Plus доставлена из Китая в США [фото]

According to the source, who published photos 195 000 smartphones made on board a Boeing 747 in the United States, the goods came from a warehouse in the Chinese city of Shenzhou.The specified delivery date - Friday, September 19. Also, the immediate availability of lime and those consumers who were among the first able to leave pre-orders on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. They can track the path of the smartphone from a warehouse in China to his home with a unique phone number that was provided to them in case of cash purchases.
The advent of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus can be considered the main sensation of autumn. In all the media talk about this event, nonstop, and will talk for a long time. Perhaps after this PR, on the basis of information abundance, many far from the IT-technology users also think seriously: "And maybe we do not take a laptop and order a top 6 Plus?»
Apple has realized that the hype is great, but the speed with which it came, was unexpected for us. After the opening of pre-orders for the influx of wanting to buy buy iPhone 6 was so great that the company's struggling to cope with their design, and the terms of the following orders had shifted to a later time. According to official statistics, during the first day of sales of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is ordered via the Internet 4 million people , which was an absolute record for all "apple" gadgets and twice surpassed the previous record set at the start of sales of the iPhone 5.
The new iPhone should go on sale on September 19, in nine countries, including the USA, UK and Germany. A week later they appear back in the 22 countries of the world , including in Russia, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.