Monday, September 15, 2014

5 things that we have not seen in Apple Watch

For some products, Apple may be applied to the following statement: once a company is something new, it is better to wait until the released version 1.1 and even 1.2. This was true for the first iPod, which was too heavy and did not work with Windows, the iPad without a camera and with limited hardware resources, c original iPhone, which could perhaps that call, and even with the platform iOS 7, which took a few updates, then all the bugs have been closed and the system becomes stable.

Thus, based on empirical data of the past, it can be assumed that the new Apple Watch become truly useful, convenient and functional only in the N-version. So far, those people for whom the watch has become an integral functional accessories and style, can say - Watch has a couple of drawbacks.
The article "5 things that we have not seen in the iPhone 6" sparked the interest of readers iPhoneBul, so we decided to continue this cycle a new post about watches Apple. Thus, the 5 things that we have not seen in «iWatch».

Round 1 display

Feature of the new gadget from Apple is that in addition to numerous kinds of straps and several buildings watches have an unusual design. Swiss watch manufacturers are confident that the demand for exclusive handiwork preserved and classic luxury Swiss watches, which have largely become a status symbol, will remain in demand, despite the appearance on the shelves «iPhone to your wrist."
And the whole thing is in the disputed design Apple Watch. Not all agree with the statement kupertinovtsy that the novelty is designed to meet the rich tradition of the best watch manufacturers. Questions sparked form display - it was expected that the clock will round.According to managing Zurich boutique Van Cleef & Arpels, Paul Herzog, people "want to see art: manually created dials and something really exclusive."

2 Compatible with iPad, iPod touch and Android

Not all fans of "apple" technique has iPhone. And, of course, functional gadget from a reputable brand would give happiness to owners of Android-smartphone with Bluetooth 4.0.Maybe then some of them would turn into "apple" faith.
However, the idea of ​​cooperation with Android Apple Watch initially seemed utopian. What can be said about the other gadgets Apple. Supported models turned out quite modest: iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. However, iPad and iPod touch are often involved in the gym, they are also the owners of devices on Android and Windows Phone. Ignoring tablets and players hard to explain something other than haste. Perhaps it is a matter of time.

3 Long battery life

It is understandable why the issue of battery life Apple gently bypassed. Gadget with similar functionality can not survive without charging more than a day - unless Apple has not invented some innovative battery. If it really happened, something about her Tim Cook told to "In the first lines of his letters." But no, instead evasive CEO said that the new charging Watch is convenient to charge ... before going to bed. It is clear that the hours before the official release on the market there are still a few months and Apple certainly make every effort to make the gadget as independent as possible from the wall outlet. But will it succeed?

4 Universal charger

Many expected that Apple will equip a smartphone sixth iteration, as well as watches, wireless charging. This was carried out, but only partly. On the device did not have the connectors for the power adapter. Charging is carried out through non-contact connection, however, the inductive charger uses traditional cable.
The technology is the same as on the MacBook, MagSafe: the power cord is equipped with a magnet that, when held close to the back side of the clock correctly orient and connect the device and the power source. Unpleasant thing was that the interface cable from the Watch your own. Charging Cable for iPhone can not be used for the Watch, will have to carry with another charge.

5 Waterproof

One of the biggest disadvantages of Apple Watch is that they do not have a high degree of water resistance. For a device that is focused largely on the athletes and people with active lifestyles (the company even introduced a separate line Watch Sport), such a feature, to put it mildly, strange and raises a number of questions.
That is, watches are designed for sports, but not water? Swimmers, rowers, sailing boats, divers, as well as those engaged in the United States popular sport - surfing is not the place of users' sports »Apple Watch? Well, in this regard, a reasonable question: wearing watches, athletes sweat, then at least you can? ... And active young people involved in camping, or more simply, for those who love hiking, worth, again, keep in mind the battery life in hours and take a hike generator. And a couple of cables.