Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chapter T-Mobile called the creators of the video on bendable iPhone 6 "idiots"

One of the most pressing questions about the smartphone iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus With regard to the flexibility of their buildings. In the web you can find hundreds of videos in which people are bent phones Apple. And everything seems to be already agreed to - a new generation of "apple" communicators very "questionable" in terms of flexural strength. But is it really?

On this issue in a sufficiently tight manner by the General Director of the largest American mobile operator T-Mobile, John Ledger. Speaking at the summit Geek Wire in 2014, he said: "Those who are for some reason trying to bend this technologically superior device for which they have laid out a tidy sum - complete idiots." Well, at least someone said it out loud.
According to the Ledger, if we could look at a person's face, which doubles iPhone 6, we could have seen the "purple hue and bulging blood vessels from the stress."
"Tell me, why these 9 people stuck new iPhone in the back pocket of his trousers, where smartphones are allegedly bent? I would advise them to buy normal pants, because the reason, in my opinion, in the wrong size clothes. What is it all for idiots?Take your laptop and fling them into the wall - for sure with them that something will happen, because the gadgets are not designed for this "- said Ledger.
General Director of T-Mobile said that the rumors of easily deformable iPhone case 6 and iPhone 6 Plus does not affect the sales of smartphones.
"In recent weeks, the demand for new Apple gadgets is just incredible, in spite of all this nonsense with bendable bodies" - shared in an interview with John.
Very entertaining conversation with Ledger is available in the full version below. Talk about a new iPhone starts at the twentieth minute video.