Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rico will turn the old iPhone to the control system "smart" home

The site launched crowdfunding project Rico - unusual device that turns smartphones into the system for home automation. Gadget looks like a plastic toy, is a versatile home helper, which can easily cope with the management of household appliances and home security tracking.

Information about the technical part of Rico until slightly. It is known that the novelty has motion sensors, smoke, carbon monoxide, temperature, humidity and light. Inside there is a cavity into which is inserted a smartphone. Last empowers Rico: he starts to play the role of an intercom and video surveillance systems. Furthermore, the disposal system is connection to the cellular network.
In curb beginner, painted in different colors, can also interact with other "smart" devices in your home. By means of a mobile application. In this case, Rico can work without a smartphone inside, but functional in this case will be more modest.
The developers plan to introduce a whole range of additional accessories that are compatible with Rico, but currently only officially announced a "smart" socket. Feature set her standard - work on schedule and on/off via a smartphone.

Delivery of the first devices to customers will begin in November 2015. Price without discount - $ 99 for the controller and $ 49 per outlet.