Sunday, October 5, 2014

Three years since the death of Steve Jobs

In August 2011, Steve Jobs announced that resigns as head of Apple. October 5, 2011, Jobs died at his home in California. Terrible diagnosis - cancer of the pancreas - was put to him long before that, in 2003.

For almost ten years, Apple CEO struggled with illness and ran the company for which this period was incredibly successful. It was during these years there were the best and iconic company's products - iPhone and the iPad. It was then due to Jobs and Apple from the ground formed tablet market, and the iPad is an unattainable standard for the tablet from other manufacturers.
It was under Jobs, the company achieved a fantastic financial performance and record market capitalization. The legacy of Steve Jobs - it's not just gadgets, ecosystem and commercial success, it is also a philosophy that is largely predetermined achievements Apple. With its categorical and uncompromising many argue, but the fact remains that the absolute concentration of the design, interface and user experience is gradually becoming the standard for other manufacturers of computers and mobile devices.
Following the resignation of Steve Jobs led Apple "genius logistics" Tim Cook. The day before the death of Steve's new CEO presented the smartphone iPhone 4s - the first product of Apple, sales of which started without Jobs.

Three years without Jobs

Even three years after the death of Steve Jobs's name in the news constantly flashes.However, in some cases it is nothing more than a way to attract the public, pecking in the name of the founder of Apple is not worse than products produced by it.
The interest in the personality of Jobs eloquent testimony to the popularity of his official biographies. The book, written by Walter Isaacson, was released in late 2011 and immediately became a bestseller, but is now sold and is very active, and Sony Pictures shooting a new biopic, the lead role in who try the best actors in Hollywood. Any fact connected with the life of Steve Jobs, it is news of the day, and recently publicized got a few little-known interview that Apple founder gave in the early years of its activity.
Often remembered Jobs and the users themselves products from Apple, especially commenting on the steps of the current leadership of the company, developing a lot more "humanity" than the former leader. Typically, the reaction can be expressed by commentators in one sentence - "when Jobs was not like this". Recent examples include: the big screens of smartphones iPhone 6 and failed update release for iOS 8.
Nevertheless, two of the newest iPhone only for the first weekend went a record 10 million copies. Debut of the new sales representative of a family of smartphones ahead of analysts' expectations, predicts that sales will be less. Apple crept up to the level when sales of its devices are defined not so much in demand, how much production capacity of partners, such as Foxconn, which is rumored to recruit new staff to cope with the volume of orders for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
As can be seen, the machine Apple continues to operate smoothly and without its creator and main "mechanics". But sooner or later run out of ideas introduced by Jobs; Cupertino leave the people he hired and coached for success. Nearer the time when the company will have to work without regard to the former leader, as he commanded.