Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The ups and downs of Apple: history iPod, iPhone and iPad

Three years ago, died founder and mastermind of Apple, Steve Jobs. It is now difficult to imagine the world without the "apple" of smartphones, tablets, laptops and players .... but in the devices a problem? After all, Apple - it's a definite sign of quality and, at the same time, - status.

Взлеты и падения Apple: история iPod, iPhone и iPad

Apple has called in its advertising campaign in 1997: «Think Different!» In New Retail decided to track how successful were the most famous products of Apple, since the 2000s.
So, today we remember the most compact "apple" gadgets and trace the history of the iPhone, iPad and iPod.


Just imagine, because it could not be ... In the mid-2000s, Steve Jobs had the idea to create a tablet without a keyboard that the user has the ability to print directly on a glass multi-touch display. When developers have provided the first results, Jobs said, "My God, we can make this phone!" And the next few years were devoted to work on this now familiar smartphone from Apple.
Despite a number of shortcomings, iPhone first generation immediately declared itself on the American market phones. Especially because of bonuses and he had a lot: the big screen for the first time among the mass of devices - touch controls and powerful Internet device. In a word - revolution.
However, there was at first iPhone drawback - lack of support for 3G, which is corrected in the following year, releasing the iPhone 3G. This smartphone is, of course, was even more successful, including the fact that I could get, finally, to the Russian market. After that, increasing the amount of RAM and adding more attractive bonuses, Apple released the iPhone 3GS.
The chip is the iPhone 4 was that uninsulated stainless steel frame acted as an antenna device. Besides, he was still faster, more intelligent, stronger, and more - all as it should be.But that is not the case.
Novelty waited so that Apple and its partners received 600,000 pre-orders for the smartphone in the first 24 hours, the sites "formed" from the traffic and demand threatened to exceed supply. Wave "ayfonomanii" by this time covered and Russia, where a popular option for design iPhone 4 was developed by designer Denis Simachev SimaPhone. So American smartphone was able to bear the "Russian idea": it was a golden, painted by Khokhlov and had backlit logo .rf domain zone on the rear panel.
After the fourth iPhone is, of course, waiting for the fifth and only a fifth, but then released iPhone 4s. And the next day after the presentation, October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died.
The grim irony is that his departure helped the company: the background of this tragedy, sales soared - 4 million for the first three days! However, soon the users have found that the new generation of smart phones suffer from problems with rapid battery power. Some experts of the number of owners iPhone 4s immediately hastened to declare that the error is caused by a hardware defect new smartphones Apple. However, a software update solved the problem.
But problems with the new "apple" was more than a joy to buy it. Firstly, many have complained about the lack of sound in an outgoing call, and secondly, a quick battery drain, and, thirdly, let the camera: its autofocus worked, for some reason, in exceptional cases.
The long-awaited iPhone 5 was released in 2012. This model with a "high" screen and an improved version of iOS 6, which eliminated the shortcomings of the previous gadget was presented with a special pump together with other gadgets from Apple September 12 in California. Out of action performance group Foo Fighters. Success has been impressive! The first batch of devices sold out in an hour. For comparison - the party iPhone 4 sold for 20 hours, iPhone 4s - 22 hours.
The following year, were presented iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, who never tired to beat the record of Apple's sales and were evaluated both users and reviewers "apple" novelties appreciated.
September 9 this year, Apple presented its new gadgets - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, running on iOS 8. The figures speak for themselves: for the first day of pre-order it sold 4 million units, which is an absolute record in the history of the company. And in 3 days after the start of sales was purchased more than 10 million units. By the way, in Russia for a weekend "apple" novelty seized about 100 000 people.
This time Apple has made concessions to fans of big screens and released the iPhone 6 Plus display with 5.5 inches and a resolution of 1920 × 1080 (401 ppi). The company delivered a fun and compact gadget lovers - their main model. Among the disadvantages of iPhone 6, which still managed to find experts is the ability to bend your smartphone when a load of 31 kg.Trifle, and unpleasant.
To the delight of customers and competitors envy, ups the iPhone was incomparably greater than downs. But everything flows, everything changes. Only this, and there is a hope in Samsung, Motorola, Microsoft and other companies.


Again, we go back to the mid-2000s, to the very development, through which it became possible to print directly on the screen. Simultaneously with the work over the phone under the leadership of Steve Jobs create a convenient and compact tablet computer. Now he is known as the iPad, and its name nobody seems scandalous. However, in 2010 just because of him, and a scandal erupted.
The fact that the word «pad» - a general name for a female sanitary napkins. Therefore, the media trumpeted the news of the failure of Apple, as the ladies for some reason had to be frightened consonance iPad and pad, the network has the most popular hashtag «iTampon», and competitors rubbing their hands and rejoiced in anticipation of failure.
But how long do not have to enjoy them. April 14 at the company's website, it was reported: "We have to make a difficult decision: Beginning iPad sales outside the United States transferred a month - until the end of May. We realize that our foreign customers who are waiting to buy iPad, will be upset by this news, but we hope that they will calm some reason for the delay - iPad unprecedented success in the United States. " So there.
To date, Apple has released iPad, iPad 2, The New iPad, iPad 4, iPad Air, as well as the iPad mini and iPad mini display Retina.


The most space gadget from Apple, or, according to Jobs, "1000 songs in your pocket." Pod in English means "capsule", a feature of which is that it can leave the spacecraft, but have to go back to it. So Jobs made emphasis on the fact that the iPod - it's not just a player, and a gadget that can at any time to connect to a computer to work together.
The first iPod was introduced in 2001 and was a pale shadow of his younger brother, who was born in May 2013, - iPod touch fifth generation.
Unpleasant in the player from Apple called what they require to upload music to install iTunes, you'll have to download to your iPod content "from outside" is not possible.
Since the creation of iPod music lovers all over the world have gone through six generations of iPod classic, iPod shuffle three generations with absent display, two generations of iPod mini, as many as seven generations of iPod nano and six generations of iPod touch.
If thoroughly describe the characteristics of each iPod, then surely you can write iRoman several hundred pages. Therefore we suggest you simply appreciate increased capacity of this gadget from 2001 to 2014.

Apple Watch

And finally, the latest compact new from Apple, the output of which is scheduled for early 2015, - Apple Watch. These watches with advanced functionality were presented on September 9 this year.
Apple is well known that the world does not stand still - the world is losing weight! Therefore, the company announced a built-in clock fitness tracker to compete with popular now bracelets Fitbit. Needless to say, that to complete the work required Apple Watch smartphone the iPhone 5 or 6.
So - before the advent of Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch Edition (made with gold) there are very few.
At the moment we know that the "smart" watches Apple has swivel wheel to zoom in or scroll, and when you click on it you can go back to the home screen. The size of the watch display, the ability to distinguish touching and pressing - 38x38 or 42x42 mm. Connectors on the gadget is not provided, so the battery will be recharged via the inductive adapter with a magnetic catch. Apple Watch also will closely monitor your heartbeat by means of LEDs and photodiodes, located on their underside. In general, the world is waiting for you, Apple Watch!

Monuments to Steve Jobs

Monuments Steve Jobs, without whom there would be no Apple, no iPhone, no other devices are now most familiar, established in St. Petersburg, Belgrade, Budapest, and even in the Duma of Tomsk! On one of the streets of Odessa also has a sculpture erected in memory of Steve Jobs. "Thank you, Steve!" - Written on the label attached to it. Join.