According to a survey conducted after the March event Apple, hours devoted to Apple Watch, 10% of Americans expressed a desire to buy the device. Taking into account the population of the United States, the number of users of smart watches in the country may be about 30-32 million.
According Survata, among 1,000 Americans polled 3% announced their intention to buy Apple Watch after they come on sale. In the survey, they voted for the answer "very likely buy." 7% said they might buy watches, 77% - which is not likely to buy the device and 13% were undecided.
Among the respondents, 64% were owners of smartphones, and from them - 47% of the owners of iPhone, 43% - owners of Android and 4% of the owners of Windows Phone.Almost 30% reported that they do not own a smartphone, and 7% were unable to determine the type of mobile device with which they work.
Researchers Survata not the only ones who have recently conducted a survey about buying Apple Watch. In February 2015, a similar study was conducted by a division of Adobe Digital Index company Adobe Systems. In a study of Adobe 27% of respondents said they "probably" or "very likely" to buy a wearable device, and 67% of them - that buy wearing device Apple, that is, Apple Watch. Thus, 18% indicated their interest in acquiring the gadget Apple.
Adobe Digital Index analyst Tamara Gaffney said that the results higher than she expected.She herself says that in the first six months, the presence of the device on the shelves it will buy 10-12% of the owners of "apple" smartphone.
According to a recent study by Reuters , 69% of Americans are not interested in buying a "smart" watches Apple. In this case, half of the respondents had never heard about the new device, which will go on sale April 24, 2015.