Friday, March 20, 2015

New Apple TV with support for Siri App Store and will be released in June

Development of the television hardware platform in the face of Apple set-top box Apple TV, according to experts, will bring the device to the first place in importance among the "apple" releases in 2015. According to reporter John BuzzFeed Packowski, referring to a source close to Apple, the company intends to present the device at the WWDC 2015.

According to an insider, Apple plans to significantly expand the range of applications for the fourth-generation Apple TV. To this end, kupertinovtsy want to open access to the device developers. They will be able to create games and applications. Exactly how to work the App Store for set-top box is not reported is probably programmers will coordinate their development through the Developer Center.
Apple intends to integrate into the television component, which will manage the existing cable set-top boxes and TV stations. This functionality is reminiscent of the approach implemented in Microsoft Xbox One and Google TV, allowing you to view TV broadcasts via Apple TV user interface Apple over this content.
It is also known that Apple will bring the functionality of voice assistant Siri, the iPhone is available in tablet and iPad, a new set-top box. For the introduction of the voice commands will be used smartphones and tablets. The fourth generation of Apple TV will be based on fresh Apple A8 processor and get a flash drive 8 GB of storage applications.
It is not excluded that the Apple TV 4G can get functional Airport Express and become a wireless access point. And controllers «Made For iPhone» for the game on the big screen will make note of the product and gamers.
According Packowski presentation of the fourth generation Apple TV will be held at the conference for developers in June this year. The device will be the main product in the new product line of Apple.