Friday, March 20, 2015

The most expensive version of the Apple Smart watches worth ten Apple Watch Edition

The first wearable computer company Apple will go on sale on April 24th. In anticipation of the launch of the smart watch representatives of the British jewelry brand Brikk announced premium modification Apple Watch. Application in product design 18- or 24-karat gold and diamond carat weight 11.3-12.3 led to the fact that its price has increased from $ 549 to $ 114,995.

Special timepiece is made on the basis of Apple Watch Edition and offers manufacturers in three versions - Standard, Deluxe and Omni. Strap and housing expensive device made of gold and platinum, and encrusted with diamonds.
Lux Watch Omni - the most expensive version of the product. However Brikk is ready to offer more affordable models. For example, the cost of Lux Watch by Standard, which implies the existence of only one row of diamonds encircling the body, range from $ 7,500 to $ 8,000. Lux Watch Deluxe much more expensive - $ 48 995-49 995. But diamonds in this case for several series, and they are placed not only on the case, but also on the strap.
The cost model depends not only on the number and weight of diamonds, but also on the type of gold - 18-carat pink or 24 carat yellow. In addition to gold can be ordered platinum-coated version.
Pre-order on Apple Watch exclusive options can be issued now, but promised to supply only a month after the official start of sales.