Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Why Apple Watch doomed to success

Analysts and experts believe that the first wearable computer Apple will take approximately half of the market "smart" watches and give him a boost to growth.

Despite a late entry into the market than its competitors - worn on the wrist gadgets from Samsung, LG, Sony, etc. Are present on it for a year or two - watch Apple Watch him become a leader, writes Ikxmedia citing reports analytical companies. According to various estimates, the volume of supplies "apple" trends in 2015 will reach 25-30 million units, or about 50-60% of the global market.
Digitimes sources say that initially will produce 1-1.5 million Apple Watch a month, and for the full year edition will be 15-20 million. According to others, in I quarter will be issued 4.8 million shares, in II quarter - about 9 million. Insiders also know that the only manufacturer Apple Watch selected Taiwanese Quanta Computer.
As expected in ABI Research, Apple 13770000 supply their clock that indicates the market share of about 50%. But in general, the growth in the segment in 2015 will amount to 452% compared with the previous year. The company believe that the ability to integrate Apple hardware and software in the whole proposal, consumer friendly, and almost religious fervor loyal fans ecosystems provide new product success.
The world's supply of "smart" watches this year will reach 28.1 million units., An increase of 511% compared to 2014 (4.6 million pcs.), Predicts Strategy Analytics. Most of this growth will provide Apple Watch, which will be delivered 15.4 million units. Apple will quickly become the number one in this segment, with a share of 55%.
"Out Apple Watch will give an impetus to the global market of smart watches, - says the executive director of Strategy Analytics Neil Mouston. - Famous brand Apple, loyal users, the widespread presence of the company in the retail sector and ecosystem-designed applications will provide hours of its good sales".
In the past year, according to Canalys, shipments of various "smart" bracelets in the world was equal to 4.6 million pcs., Of which the devices based on Android Wear amounted to only 720 000 (and analysts believe this platform is not enough mature). Other vendors are still finalizing their platform, the design and functionality of the device, so Apple has all chances to catch up with them.
Apple Watch feature is that it is not just a gadget, but a fashion accessory - as clearly says the design and the price premium collection. And market it will be appropriate: suffice it to say that the advertising campaign Apple Watch includes a 12-page tab in the March issue of Vogue.
All this means that Apple is entering a new territory for themselves. The company intends to tightly control the initial sale and distribution of its novelty, and while many retailers are not sure that they will have the right to sell it. So, Reuters informed sources say that the network Best Buy in the US, one of the biggest sellers of the products Apple, may not get Apple Watch immediately after their launch. There is no clarity with respect to other major retailers.
«Apple cautious - said Van Baker, vice president at Gartner Research. - There are too many unknowns about how this product will work. " According to Baker, it is possible that sales will generally be limited initially own stores Apple, where the company will have full control over the impressions of customers and staff will receive special training.
Apple Watch was officially presented on March 9 and on April 24, they will be sold in nine countries: Australia, Canada, USA, UK, Germany, France, China, Hong Kong and Japan.Produced they will be available in two sizes - 38 and 42 nm - and three "collections» - Apple Watch Sport (priced at $ 349 and $ 399), Apple Watch (from $ 549 to $ 1,099) and Apple Watch Edition (prices for this collection start at $ 10,000 ).
Most observers believe in the success of Apple Watch: because in the Apple ecosystem carefully shaped novelty gets on well-fertilized soil for growth.