Microsoft set out to make things easier for owners of laptops and tablet computers with small drives. On a 32-gigabyte tablet operating system, Windows may take more than half of the space, leaving the user with only a dozen gigabytes for personal information. However, Windows 10 promise to fix the situation.
One of the ways is already implemented in the latest test build of Windows 10 - compression system files. This option has been available in the Cleanup Utility, built-in tools to clean the disc. According to the developers, on 32-bit devices innovation will save about 1.5 GB of space, and 64-bit - 2.6 GB. As data compression will affect the performance of your computer, in Microsoft did not specify.
Because "ten" will be used in a large number of very different devices, the OS will automatically evaluate such factors as the amount of memory and processor speed for a decision on the possibility of using compressed system files. If the device resources will allow it, the compression will be activated.
The second way involves a change in method of operating system recovery image. In devices with Windows 10 separate disk with the image of the System Restore will not (it takes about 6.5 GB of built-in storage). Instead, the utility will restore the system to re-collect the operating system from the existing files on the disk. The advantage of this method is that after a reset or restore will not need to re-download all the updates - the files will already be in the latest version. This will save from 4 to 12 GB of built-in storage.

According to calculations by Microsoft, the total space occupied by OSes may be reduced by about 45%. Space savings will vary greatly, but in ideal conditions, when the 64-bit version of the relatively powerful PC can reach almost 15 GB.