Saturday, April 11, 2015

Apple has added a feature to Apple Watch chronically late users

Punctuality - an essential feature for the modern man. Even a slight delay for a job or a business meeting can cause serious trouble. For those who often hears or he says the phrase "I'm always late", Apple has provided a solution.

In the smart-watch Apple Watch is a special setting that allows you to translate the clock forward to the desired interval. Thus, as expected, it is possible to solve a problem with a delay. If, for example, the user chronically late for 10 minutes, it is necessary to select a clock menu "10 minutes". And immediately forget about it.
On this "know-how" Apple paid attention to 9to5Mac:
"Apple has said that the time change in the settings only affect the information displayed on the clock face. All notices and communications will continue to come at the right time. Thus, users simply translate time to come to the desired interval".
I must say that some experts do not recommend to use the trick with the translation of the arrows. Psychologists say that people who translate the clock forward, do not live in real time. And for them there may come a critical period, when they are no longer able to distinguish where the real time, and where fictional.
However, if a trick used only from time to time, it may well be the solution to the problem of late.