Version of the popular messenger WhatsApp for iOS received support voice calls. This was reported on the application page in the catalog App Store, in the section describing the renovation. Function was previously only available for Android-smartphone.
After you install the version of WhatsApp under the symbol 2.12 when you open a chat with a particular contact on top of the button will appear "Call". By clicking on it, the user can make a voice call. The subscriber, in turn, must have WhatsApp installed application and be connected to the Internet. In addition, the main window appeared tab "Calls". WhatsApp promises to activate over the next few weeks.
Note that the function of voice calls has already been implemented in other popular instant messaging applications - Viber. In addition, call each other voice users are mobile applications Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts.
In addition to supporting voice calls in the new version of WhatsApp an opportunity to share content - send photos, videos, and links directly into the program from other applications. In chat rooms appeared camera button. Now you can take pictures and videos, as well as to quickly select the last photo / video of the film.
In addition, the developers have implemented the ability to edit contact data from WhatsApp and send multiple videos simultaneously. Before sending the video, you can crop and rotate.
In January this year, one of the most popular instant messengers got a web version, but you can use it only if the account holder smartphone is connected to the Internet.
In the future, according to the plans of developers, WhatsApp will feature video. To date, messenger used by more than 800 million people.
In the future, according to the plans of developers, WhatsApp will feature video. To date, messenger used by more than 800 million people.