Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Apple: We provide jobs 630 000 people in Europe

According to a posting on the page of the official website, Apple has provided jobs for more than 600 thousand people in Europe. Thus an American corporation has demonstrated its contribution to the development of the European economy.

Ever since Apple introduced the first iPhone, the industry developing applications for mobile operating system and online platforms were attracted about half a million Europeans. They created millions of applications that have become a key factor in the popularity of smartphones and tablets. 132 000 jobs in Europe relate to areas such as engineering, manufacturing, transportation, and 116 000 people work in companies related to the activities of a California corporation.
"Thousands of jobs belong to different industries, starting with workers employed in the manufacture of components for our products, and ending with those who collects planes and trucks, which products are delivered to our customers. Due to the fact that Apple has created a new category of products, 630,000 Europeans have got a job, create applications for iOS or work in the business, supported by Apple », - said on its website.
Apple notes that since 2007 in the field of iOS it has created 497,000 jobs in Europe. Total since the start of the app store, the company paid as a commission independent programmers to more than $ 20 billion, of which $ 6.5 billion accounted for the developers of the EU. Currently catalog App Store boasts achievements in 1.2 million and 75 billion application downloads.
As for the state to Apple, as of today, 19 countries in Europe, there are 16 000 employees of the company.