Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apple posted instructions rollback from iOS 8.0.1 to iOS 8 and promised to release iOS 8.0.2 "in a few days"

Apple posted online instructions to downgrade iOS 8.0.1 to iOS 8. On Wednesday, we recall, after complaints of users to work iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is the company withdrew the first update for "eight" . "We have received reports of the problem with the update iOS 8.0.1. We are actively exploring [the problem], "- said the spokesman for the Apple Trudy Miller.

Apple's website published instructions on how to roll back C iOS 8.0.1 . The first thing to do - download the latest version of iTunes. Then, connect the device to the computer and back up data. The fourth step is prompted to download the IPSW-file iOS 8.0 for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and then install the firmware through iTunes, click on the "Restore" button while holding at the same time on the keyboard Alt (on a Mac) or Shift (on Windows). Going into DFU mode is required.
IOS 8.0.1 release was held on Wednesday evening. This is a technical update, which Apple has solved problems with the platform HealthKit, unloading photos and videos in Safari, improved compatibility with third-party keyboards and improved the reliability function Reachability on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. At the same time the update has crashed in a number of devices. On the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus update resulted in the loss of cellular connection and disconnection modules Touch ID. For the first time in its history, Apple has decided to stop distributing updates. The last date version - again iOS 8.0.
First update to iOS 8.0.1 Apple released on September 24, a week after the release of the operating system iOS 8. According to the company, the new Apple operating system is installed on 46% of mobile devices. The release of iOS 8.0.2, according to the company will be held in a few days.