Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Apple invented camera with three sensors for iPhone

Apple patented camera for mobile devices, which are used in the construction of three sensors. As planned by the developers, it can be incorporated into a variety of gadgets, including the iPhone, iPad or Mac.

Apple essence of the invention is to provide each of the sensors of a particular component of color to achieve a more accurate color produced when shooting images. Plain lens through a prism separates light into three colors: red, green and blue (RGB). This way you can improve the picture quality while maintaining the size of the camera.
The patent also describes the various embodiments of the lens and the image processing processes for obtaining different results for color, brightness, and contrast. Location sensors can shoot close objects through a process of displacement of the image if the subject is in a "blind spot" of one of the sensors, the uncollectible visual information is replaced with data from the next.
These solutions are used in semi-portable models and cameras to improve image quality. First on mobile devices such technology, no one applied.
Development can accommodate camera with three sensors, including inside the thin shell. Her unit is shaped like the letter L, the module is hidden inside the device. Between a mirror and a set of sensor installed a series of lenses that can be quickly moved to focus and zooming.
It is unclear whether will receive an innovative camera upcoming iPhone 6s, but Apple makes every effort to keep the "apple" smartphone leaders in mobile photography.