Monday, March 9, 2015

Apple promised 18 hours of battery life Apple Watch [updated]

Apple CEO Tim Cook, speaking at an event in San Francisco on Monday in a live television broadcast and online, presented "smart" watch Apple Watch and demonstrated their capabilities. He noted that the first wearable computer company is able to operate without recharging for one day.

As told Cook, on the virtual dial Apple Watch you can place various widgets and operated, including swipe across the screen using the built-in speaker with microphone for hours, you can talk. With friends, you can communicate not only with standard messages, but also sending interactive images, and even his own heartbeat.
Apple Watch allow you to quickly communicate with the outside world: pay a cup of coffee using Apple Pay, sit on the plane with boarding pass Passbook or ask Siri lay-step route Maps simply by lifting the wrist.
One of the most controversial options Apple Watch was battery life, which was not announced at the time of the announcement last fall. Now, Apple opened the main secret - "smart" watches can work up to 18 hours on a single charge. We are talking about a mixed-mode use. Previously, Apple CEO Tim Cook said vaguely that the clock will need to be recharged overnight.
At the time of battery life without recharging Apple Watch adversely affect a relatively powerful processor and high-quality screen. The latter is called "the best of all displays for wearable devices," it gives a picture of a rate of 60 frames/s, which implies an amazing smoothness display the user interface and all applications. Chip S1, which runs Apple Watch, is close to the performance of mobile processor A5, which can be found in the latest generation of the iPod touch.
Recharging the battery will be an induction method, using a magnetic lock in the charger.Apple Watch will go on sale on April 24th.
Updated: On the question and answer session after the presentation of Apple Watch representatives of the company explained that the total charge Apple Watch enough for 3 hours of continuous talk time on the phone connected to the clock through the iPhone, 6.5 hours of music playback via Bluetooth or 8 hours with active sensor heartbeat. In the mode "limited use» Apple Watch can operate up to 48 hours autonomously and activation Power Reserve - 72 hours. A model with a 42-mm housing battery life better than 38 mm, the company noted.
Apple Watch charging time from 0% to 100% was 2.5 hours. Up to 80% battery 'smart' watches can be recharged in 1.5 hours.