Sunday, March 22, 2015

For the transaction of $ 7 billion Walt Disney three years not to disclose that Steve Jobs cancer

CEO Bob Iger Walt Disney admitted that in 2006, Steve Jobs told him about the return of cancer less than an hour before Disney announced the purchase of the studio Pixar. This is stated in a new book Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader ("Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a reckless upstart visionary leader").
Ради сделки в $7 млрд Walt Disney три года не разглашала, что у Стива Джобса рак

Iger three years kept secret information about the health of the founder of Apple. According to a top manager Walt Disney, he thought about the consequences of their decisions because regulators require to disclose information about the health status of the owners of large companies. Deal worth $ 7 billion has made Jobs the largest shareholder in Disney.
"Jobs told about the return of cancer, when we were on a private walk in California.This happened 30 minutes before had to announce a deal" - says Iger.
Jobs was diagnosed with "pancreatic cancer" in 2003. In 2004, he suffered a successful operation. After five years, Jobs was diagnosed with cancer of the liver. After surgery, organ transplant and rehabilitation period businessman returned to work, but it turned out that this time the surgery was not successful. His health began to deteriorate rapidly.
On August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs was forced to finally shift duties as Apple CEO Tim Cook on his shoulders. That poor health caused leaving his post as head of the company. Jobs died Oct. 5, 2011 .