Friday, March 6, 2015

Is preparing to launch a mobile network 5G - 70 times faster LTE

Concept, signed at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona most of the major operators, describes how the world will look like telecoms after 2020 after the anticipated launch of high-speed networks 5G. The authors gave vent to imagination, describing everything that can give broadband - from business video conferencing using virtual reality helmets and self-propelled cars, to smart clothing that monitors the health of the owner.

Mobile Networks fifth generation (5G), on the development of which now employs telecommunications companies, allowing you to connect to the internet all the people surrounding objects, writes Kommersant . In particular, experts expect by 2020 widespread distribution of vehicles, driving without a driver.
The first commercial network 5G in the world should start in 2020. However, the telecom company KT Corporation promise to show the possibilities of technology in 2018 as part of the Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in Korea (the operator is their official sponsor).
While the technology is developed 5G, and representatives of telecom companies stipulate that it is impossible to say exactly what it will be. However, all agree that the 5G will have to be able to connect to the internet the maximum number of devices. According to the forecast Orange Group, we are talking about 50 billion devices in the Chinese manufacturer Huawei equipment called the figure 100 billion devices.
According to the head of Stephen Richard Orange, the term "Internet of Things", which now represent different devices connected to the network, such as smart watches, fitness bracelets, etc., is transformed into the concept of "Internet only". In particular, in 2020, to appear cars with automatic control, do not require participation of the driver, 3D-content, and the hologram, the ability to organize a video conference at any time, predicts the chairman of the board of directors of KT Hwang Jang Gu. According to Mr. Richard, 5G will be "green" technology will save electricity consumption and other expenses.
According to the forecast of the current general director of Huawei Ken Hu, 5G will provide a rapid response network, more efficient use of the frequency spectrum, higher data rate. In particular, it is predicted that the maximum speed 5G network will reach 10 Gbit / s, whereas the network 4G - 150 Mbit / s. This will load the film in HD-quality size of 8 GB for six seconds instead of seven minutes in the network 4G. Such speed, in turn, will open up new opportunities for mobile health. 4G networks allow you to organize video consultations as HD, if the need arises, and with the 5G-networks can be, for example, to make interactive 3D-image of the brain. Thanks 5G will be new business models and industry, experts say.
At the same time, representatives of telecommunication companies believe that it is necessary to combine efforts, including investment opportunities in the development of 5G.Chapter Qualcomm Steven Mollenkopf estimated the total amount of investment in 5G in 2015-2020 to $ 4 trillion.
According to the forecast of the Association of GSM (GSMA), the number of unique mobile subscribers will grow to 4.6 billion people by the end of 2020, while at the end of 2014 there were 3.6 billion people. Number of active SIM-cards (including those used in cars, - M2M) should grow to 9 billion shares from 7.1 billion units by the end of 2014.