Friday, March 6, 2015

Samsung: Galaxy S6 have nothing to do with the iPhone 6

The company Samsung did not see similarities between branded line of smartphones Galaxy S6 flagship phone and Apple. This, in particular, said vice president of the South Korean corporation on a mobile direction Lee Young Hee.

CNET reporter's question about the similarity of design Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Samsung representative said that "these devices have nothing in common," and to see this, "is sufficient to take smartphones in hand."
"Look alive on the device, you really think that Galaxy S6 similar to the iPhone 6? If you look at the real products, make sure that they are not the same, we have more vivid colors - said Lee Yeon Hee. - At Galaxy S6 different texture materials and higher strength of the body. "
During the presentation, Samsung Galaxy S6 directly talked about the iPhone 6. It has been argued that its smartphone takes better epplovskogo, especially in low light. And even the video, according to the manufacturer, Apple really bad, they will look passable. Intention to push the Koreans and Americans demonstrated when it came to battery. "The smartphone is charging up to 100% in two times faster than the iPhone 6" - said the Samsung.
"Our goal was to convey to users a brief and clear message" - added Lee Yong Hee.According to a top manager, a comparison of the camera's capabilities and reliability Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 allows you to specify the superiority of Korean smartphone.