Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The video was lit Oppo smartphone screen "borderless"

Oppo company is preparing to introduce "frameless" smartphone. Using a special patented design, the company's specialists were able to achieve the visual effect of the almost complete absence of the display frames.
На видео засветился смартфон Oppo с экраном «без рамок»

On the Internet a video, which appeared in all its glory coming apparatus. Mysterious smartphone that runs on Android with shell ColorOS, has a large screen with an almost imperceptible side frames.
According to Engadget, the scope of the smartphone, in the conventional sense, really missing. Is that taken for any direct face of the body. However, in fact, nothing new in this technology is not. On the market for more than six months there are smartphones Sharp Aquos Crystal and Crystal Aquos X , who lack not only the side, but also the upper frame. On the other hand, apart from Sharp until no longer able to produce such a device, so that can be Oppo second.
As for the cost, performance and time-to news Oppo, something about it concealed sources.By the way, the company holds the patent for the technology using refraction of light to create the illusion of a wide display and visual reduction framework around it.