Cortana voice assistant was one of the main innovations of the operating system Windows Phone 8.1 . As stated by Microsoft, Cortana - this is a specific mix of functions previously implemented in Google Now and Siri. The new smartphones Lumia advertising company ridiculed his "apple" competitor.

In the video «Siri vs. Cortana »Microsoft told about the benefits of their product. According to her, Cortana has full support for natural language and in contrast to the "apple" of the product is adjusted individually to the needs of each user.
"Hi, this is Cortana, your personal assistant. Cortana tells you to leave early, so as not to get caught in traffic and help in time to get home, remind buy milk when you're close to a grocery store and congratulate my mother a happy birthday.Available in Nokia Lumia 635 and other smartphones Lumia ».
Despite statements by Microsoft, in a really Cortana makes almost all the same as Siri: can make appointments in the calendar and remind you of upcoming events, search the internet, play music, write SMS dictation, launch applications, find nearby cafes and restaurants with high Rankings. Rumored to be planning to move in Redmond Cortana on iOS and Android .